Thursday 16 October 2008

Birthday Bash

Like I said yesterday, we had our birthdays this past weekend. There are not that many places here that we can eat it, especially for dinner. Our first idea was to go with the usual Mexican place...until we remembered that would involve us having to watch our friends consume animals, that they still view as food. This seemed like a very unappealing option for 2 vegans birthdays. There's a GREAT vegetarian restaurant in Osaka called Green Earth (unfortunately, they don't have a homepage グーリンアース) that we often go to. For some odd reason we haven't reviewed it yet, I guess cuz it's a place we've been to so much that we forget about that. We'll try to review it in the near future.

Anyway, they usually close at 5...but they host private parties. So fearing ridiculously high costs for a private party, we called and learned it was actually completely reasonable for a party in Japan and even on the cheap side to have the whole restaurant to ourselves. (yeah, run on sentences! Can I be the queen of run on sentences?) We also informed them that they need not make any of their vegetarian options and just go vegan all the way!

How have I written 2 paragraphs without any pictures!?!?

Here's the spread with everyone's grubby little hands!

This is my plate. Clockwise from the bread: bread with a hummus-type spread, fried 'egg' rolls, a brocolli salad with imitation feta, chickpea salad, bean sprout salad, pasta and lentil salad, bean (maybe lentils) burgers with a tomato sauce, stir fry with mock beef, and karaage in the center. I was so overwhelmed by the massive amount of food and the friends, that I couldn't even finish it all. It's also too bad that I tend to talk too much and thus eat really slowly.

Anyway, I think the food was awesome and at a good price and hey, 16 of our friends could see that vegan food is delicious and varied (not that we let them forget that). Now to convert them all...



lisa said...

I'm so jealous of your party - I love Green Earth. (Which, by the way, I reviewed here!)

Anonymous said...


No need to post this as a comment really. I've been reading your blog a bit lately, so I thought you might be interested in mine at as I have a lot of posts about Kyoto's vegetarian restaurants up here:

Places to buy organic food here:

And (if you haven't already) I think you might like Kairasu vegan restaurant which I posted here:

Hope you like it!

Michael Lambe

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

Ooh, how exciting! I went to Osaka & got a tattoo at Three Tides, but I've never been to Green Earth. Next time!

Lemur-Cat said...

Oh hey, I go there all the time! It turns out there are many more fellow vegans in the Osaka area than I thought.